Is Weight Loss Surgery the Easy Way Out

As weight loss surgery becomes a more well known option for weight loss, some myths and misconceptions arise. We want to address the misconceptions about what the whole process of weight loss surgery includes so as to properly set up future patients' expectations. By knowing exactly what bariatric surgery, such as gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, is going to do, or not do, you will be better informed when starting your weight loss journey.

Weight Loss Surgery Myths & Facts


Weight loss surgery is for everyone


Not exactly. We believe that everyone should have the chance to live a healthy life, but sometimes surgery isn't the best option. Our experienced surgeons meet with each potential patient to discuss their medical history, lifestyle and health goals in order to determine their options. We offer non-surgical procedures and medical weight loss options for patients who want to lose weight without surgery.


Weight loss surgery is the easy way out


It is merely a tool and one step in a long process. It is true some people with obesity cannot lose weight simply by diet and exercise alone. However, we know that our patients put time into researching their options, showed courage to ask for help, and they committed to lifelong lifestyle changes.


People who get weight loss surgery are lazy


Any successful weight loss patient will demonstrate that this is false! Surgeries such as gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, as well as non-surgical options such as gastric balloon, are very effective in supporting weight loss but long term success ALWAYS depends on major lifestyle changes. We offer comprehensive support for patients and we see firsthand how much hard work they put into healthy meal planning, workout routines and developing healthy habits.


After weight loss surgery you don't need to do anything else to support losing weight


Life after weight loss surgery looks very different than life before, and many of our patients are glad for that! Immediately after weight loss surgery there are different phases of a post bariatric diet to follow, as well as changing activity levels. If patients resume their diet or activity levels pre-surgery, they are at risk of gaining weight. Going into surgery with a determination to change your habits, treat yourself with love, and seek support, will set you up for success.*


Weight loss surgery is more dangerous than obesity


Not true! Obesity is potentially fatal. Comorbidities such Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension and associated cancers pose a threat to the health of people struggling with obesity. While any surgery carries some risks, typically the risks of complications from obesity and comorbidities outweigh the risks of complications from surgery. We explain all risks of weight loss surgery to our patients and our goal is to serve our community in Dallas and Fort Worth with safe procedures that can help patients successfully meet their health goals.


Weight loss surgery is unaffordable


Many health insurance policies cover weight loss! Our experts can help navigate your insurance benefits with our free insurance check. Some patients opt for self-pay because they don't have insurance or because they want a faster timeline than insurance allows. We have special pricing and financing options available for self-pay patients. Additionally, life after weight loss surgery may mean fewer medications or long term health costs – plus, many of our patients say that their newfound health is priceless.*

Leonor's Weight Loss Success

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

"Today I have lost 96 lbs and I am so proud to say that I did have weight loss surgery. I am happy with myself for the first time in years. This is NOT an easy way out! This requires a lot of work and I have done that. That's the reason for my success. I love the new me and my second chance in life." — Leonor

Read Leonor's Story

Schedule a Consultation

If you have any questions that have arisen from our myth-busting, contact us! Our experienced staff is happy to answer any questions. If you would like to discuss your weight loss options with one of our surgeons, schedule a consultation and begin your journey to health!

1 American Journal of Public Health 2013 October; 103(10): 1895–1901
2 Journal of Obesity 2013; 2013: 291546.

Patient Testimonials

Janet S.

Lost 93 pounds*

"93 pounds later, I have a whole new life. I've gone from a size 24 down to 10-12. I no longer have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. My knees, which were in sad shape before surgery, don't hurt anymore. I joined a gym and participate in water aerobics and a latin impact aerobics class. My whole life has changed. I have much more confidence in myself and love to be with people."

Vivian P.

Lost 140 pounds*

"First off….this surgery will give you your life back. It is a total life changing surgery and I feel like I owe DFW Bariatric my life since they restored mine to me. My weight ballooned up to 273 lbs before my surgery. I have successfully lost and maintained a 140 lb weight loss… This is the most amazing journey that anyone could ever take and the DFW Bariatric Institute staff will all be there to hold your hand and lead you down the road to your success."

Sherrie M.

Lost 110 pounds*

"I am currently 29 years old and weigh 130 lbs. Before surgery I weighed almost 240 lbs…This is the best thing I have done with my life and would do it again today. It changed my life drastically. My surgeon said to me, 'I can do 50% for you and give you the surgery, but the other 50% is up to you. Your eating, your exercise, your total outlook on life make up the other 50%. And what you want from the surgery is what you will get, and the life you will gain.'"

John E.

Lost 90 pounds*

"I went to a seminar and left there with complete ease, feeling like everyone cared about me and my health. On first office visit I was totally impressed…I never felt rushed in the office, and always felt everyone cared. My surgery was completed and I am now down 90 pounds…The biggest part of recovery comes from the encouragement DFW Bariatric gives. Everyone is always positive and takes the time to explain things in a positive way."

Kathy D.

Lost 161 pounds*

"There are no words to express the amount of change that weight loss surgery has brought to my life. I am a 54 year old female. There were so many things I was unable to do before the surgery that I blamed on age. It wasn't my age at all, it was the weight. I am 30 again…The day of my surgery, I weighed 299 pounds. Today I weigh 138 and wear a size 6…I feel so good about myself now. The surgery saved my life!"

Brian S.

Lost 130 pounds*

"After losing 130 pounds, I feel like I have a new lease on life. I was able to stop all of my diabetes, high blood pressure, and my cholesterol medicines. I have always had chronic knee problems and now I am able to run three miles per day without any pain. If I had a choice of doing this surgery again or not, I would definitely do it again. I feel that by having the surgery it not only gave me my life back but it also saved my life."

Lorna Q.

Lost 107 pounds*

"I have lost the astonishing amount of 107 pounds in less than a year. I feel like I have my life back and I am in control again. All my family and friends are always telling me that I look happier than before and they are right, I am much, much happier than before. I have to thank DFW Bariatric and my husband for helping me throughout this very emotional and amazing journey. I do not regret at all having the surgery, it is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life."

Danielle L.

Lost 154 pounds*

"My outlook on life was so different before having my weight loss surgery. I was taking medicine for diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression, and my back, legs, and shoulders hurt all the time which kept me from sleeping. My start weight was 298 pounds. And I am now 144. I'm no longer on any type of medications. My body is the best shape I have ever been in. I am so happy to be where I am today mentally and physically. With my hard work and dedication and with the aid of DFW Bariatric, I am where I want to be. I trust this team with all my heart."

Dennis H.

Lost 170 pounds*

"At 365 pounds, I was medicated for high blood pressure, diabetes, joint inflammation, and high cholesterol…I was a living example of morbid obesity. I knew then that it was time to do something with my weight…It was not easy to get through all of the hoops that my health plan demanded, but the DFW Bariatric team helped me every step of the way. Today I weigh 195 pounds and feel great! From the time I left the hospital after surgery I have been free from all prescription medications. I can never thank this team enough for giving me back my life."


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